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A person holds an apple pie protein bar while journaling on a cozy couch, surrounded by fresh apples and cinnamon sticks, creating a warm, relaxing atmosphere for mindful snacking and reflection

10 snack hacks every busy mum needs to know

Hey Super Mum,

It’s Daisy here. Hi!

I know that juggling kids, work, and everything else is no small feat, so let me share some of my favourite snack hacks that’ll keep you fueled and help you sneak in a bit of extra nutrition.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Pre-Pack Your Snacks: Before the chaos starts, pack a few snack bags with your favourite Sneaky Wholefoods bites. Toss them in your bag, car, or wherever you need a quick grab-and-go fix.

Freeze Your Treats: Did you know our protein balls are just as delicious frozen? Pop a batch in the freezer for a cool, refreshing snack when you’re feeling overheated or just need a little pick-me-up.

Mix and Match: Combine our nourish bites with some fresh fruit or yogurt for a snack that’s as balanced as your multitasking skills.

Snack Stash Spots: Keep a stash of snacks in all your go-to spots—your desk, your car, even your nightstand. Because let’s face it, sometimes you just need a snack emergency plan!

Kiddo-Kitchen Helper: Involve the little ones in snack prep. Let them roll protein balls with you or pick out their favorite add-ins. It’s a fun way to bond and sneak in some healthy eats.

Sneak in the Veggies: Shh, don’t tell the kids, but you can add grated veggies (like carrot) to our Protein Ball Mixes for an extra nutritional boost when baking with them

Snack Time Ritual: From experience the moment my toddler hears the wrapper being open she’s running on over to take it for herself. Don’t be like me, instead, set aside a dedicated snack time and place where you can unwind with your favourite snack (mine right now is our Apple White Choc Pie Protein Bar) —consider it a mini self-care moment in your busy day. 

Portable Power: Keep a bottle of water and a few of our Nourish Bites or Protein Bars in your bag for an instant energy boost wherever you are.

Mummy’s Secret Stash: Have a hidden snack stash just for you—because sometimes you need something a little extra sweet to get through the day and if your partner’s like my Hubby you might not have any snacks left after a few days.

Share the Love: Surprise a fellow Mum with a Sneaky Wholefoods snack pack. A little snack love goes a long way in brightening someone’s day!


With these hacks, you’ve got everything you need to tackle your day with ease. Remember, you deserve those little moments of self-care and nourishment—because you’re amazing just the way you are!

Take care, Super Mum!

With love & snacks


Owner, Founder, Toddler Mum

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